dinsdag 9 juni 2009

Multiple streams of passive income

Passive programs are a great way to make money, I’m not talking about hyips that are high risk but businesses that are offering online investment opportunities and programs that don’t require you to sponsor to make money.

Though passive programs require a longer time frame and it will take time to build your multiple streams of income to a high level (unless you can invest a large amount of money from the start), they require little to no work and next year your financial situation will have improved tremendously, the year after even more, especially if you compound some of your earnings now.

Because passive programs require little to no work you can have these programs building you an income that grows month after month and keep doing what you are already doing at the same time.

What you will see on this page is a list of income opportunities I’m profiting from now or have joined recently because I see great earning potential. I'm only listing programs I have invested in or joined myself otherwise I can't give the insider view. I'm following a lot more programs, I'll list them once I have joined and or invested there, see results and gained trust in them.


If you consider joining one of them you are advised to do your own research too and use your own judgement. And never spend money you can't afford to lose.

This is a page in progress. Today I will make brief comments on all programs I’m currently in. In the next days I will go deeper into all programs separately, and I will add new information if it’s relevant, my own experience and results.

Some of the other topics to follow are:

-risk management,

-how to start with whatever your budget is, low or high

-passive traffic tactics and advertising

-why so many people fail online, my opinion

-earnings management

-and who am I, my own experiences online

So come back daily for more information or follow me on twitter where I will post the topic of the day.

Worldlight link to worldlight
This program is all about people helping people. Your chance to make a lot of money for yourself but also help the less fortunate. 10% of all earnings go to a charity of your choice which can even be a local one! One time $59 but you can buy more positions. They are still in soft launch and online registration has only just started. You don't have to recruit to earn money. .. 100% pasive
Ignore the bookstall, that's not what this program is all about. Read all the pages and you will know why this is my favourite program. Income potential is huge, time frame of making money hard to say, not the very short term.

Project Lazy Boy link to project lazy boy
You can join, pay the $20, pay the rest out of your earnings later on and be totally passive. Your $ 20 will become $ 4000 over time. How long that will take, impossible to tell. I just look ahead a year but it can go faster than that But, you don't have to wait till it's $4000 to take out your earnings. I'm active in this program bec ause I like what it has to offer when your active. You can set up more income streams at the same time, one of them is Helping Others. I'm not in this long, I referred some free members, can't earn if you stay free, and 2 paid members but got paid on 10 members already!

GoldNuggetInvest link to GNI
Earn 6% weekly on your investment. They specialize in arbitrage sports betting. You can read all the necessary information to understand what that means on the website.The program has been operational since October 2006, but was initially private with just 180 members. It opened its doors to public membership on 1st May 2008 .It may go private again at some stage.

Adventures4u link to adventures4u
You have to manually surf 25 pages every day to get paid. You can advertise your programs at the same time. They are nothing like the risky autosurfs. They are setting up a business besides the surf, could be launched any day now They only pay what they earn, share the revenue. You earn a steady 7 % a week which means doubling your money in about 3.5 months. I've been in this program from the beginning about 7 months ago and they have never missed a payrun.

Affordable Affiliates Network link to AAN
They buy and sell ( with profit) goods of all types and you are a part of those deals with a maximum of $ 10 per deal. Minimum investment is $ 100 so you can be in 10 deals at the same time! They are still transgressing from an offline company to a fully automated online company so it's hard to say anything about the income potential and time frame here but it can become a huge passive monthly income over time. Part of it is going to a charity of your choice.

WBwso link to WBwso
There is a tremendous amount of money to be made in adsense. That's what this program is about. They buy and sell websites, add to it and make a big profit. You can buy into a website package until it's sold out. The time frame is 3 years. Your investment returns are compounded which gives huge returns after 3 years. A small investment is enough for high profits.

My Net Wealth Team link to mnwt
Just pay your $15 a month subscription and your matrix will fill automatically. No need to recruit, just keep your subscription active. If you do refer it's the same link for everybody.
Every $15 gives you 13 positions and every position will be worth $ 1291 ! That's 13x $1291!
Total cost per year $ 180. When I leave that in my bank account it will be $187.20 after one year, with this program it could become thousands, depending on how fast the program grows.

Although the next programs require you to recruit you can do them passively as well by using passive traffic tactics. I will go into that at a later time.

The Attitude Club link to the Attitudeclub
Semi passive
You need 2 referrals to fully qualify. That's it. After that it is 100% passive if you want too. The average people recruit is 3 so it should not be a problem to find your 2 if you just continue advertising until you have them.You need the first before cycling into level 3, the second before cycling to level 5, so you have some time to get them. High payout. Program is new. It's a straight line and you can follow your progress in your backoffice. One time fee of $54.

GlobalNPN link to NPN
You will have to be active in this program but it only requires 1 referral a month to make a huge monthly income in about 12 months. $10.75 a month brings you all the tools you need to succeed online and an advertising tutorial. A line I read here: Stop digging for gold, start selling the shovels. That's what you get here, the tools you need all in one place to be succesfull and besides that a great income plan. One of the tools is the referral distribution system, RDS.
When you have your first referral you can start advertising your RDS link so new members are placed automatically beneath the member who has got no personnal referral yet They will get the bonus money but you get a downline which will stay active because they have their referral and are making money.

Lofty Profits link to loftyprofits
Your own internet business. Referring people will bring in money and you get the resell rights to
over 3000 products. One time fee of $47.

We Make Money Daily link to wemakemoneydaily
Free system you can use to promote 5 small fee programs with one link. The programs are EZ2x2, 4x1 fortune, 50kbanners, workfor3dollars and adlist supreme. I'm a member of all but I will discuss the individual programs at a later stage.
You have to advertise consistently to be succesfull with this program.

F5M Millionaires Club link to F5m
This is a program I'm a member of about 8 months. I'm still advertising it because it's a good program with a complete advertising tutorial and regular training calls. Since they opened the goldboosterplan it's even better. It is a solid, good program but it requires steady day to day advertising.

follow me on twitter link to twitter

Disclaimer: Nothing is without risk. Due to unforseen circumstances, world markets, technical failures, management mistakes, revenue problems etc. every program has it's own level of risk.
I'm not here to make personnal recommendations. I'm telling about my own experience and provide information. Only you can decide if a program is suitable for you or not.

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