Exciting new program, at the moment in pre-launch.
For $9.95 a month you get 10.000 targeted, double optin leads for this program, so they are interested!
The revolutionary software collects these leads,they have already been doing this for the last 4 months, your link will be added and send out from their servers and all you have to do is wait for sales. (So you don't need to download them and use your own autoresponder, it's all done from their servers)
Because you will be in profit with only a small amount of people joining under your link I don't expect many people will be quiting the program. So most of your sales will be recurring month after month and your income will be growing because every month you will make new sales on top of the ones you already have! And it is all done automatically with this software. It will be really amazing. You can get more than one package of leads every month.
Launch has been put forward a week to juli 7th so more people will be able to join, they expect another 20.000 to 30.000. The page still says the launch will be today, a bit confusing.
After launch you will have 48 to 72 hours to pay,you will be notified a couple of times, after that free members will be deleted. After launch your link will change so people can pay.
I don't think there is a more easy way to make money and completely passive too. Personally I can't wait for launch time
Link to The Streamline Funnel
dinsdag 30 juni 2009
zaterdag 20 juni 2009
Exciting news from World light
Highlights from last Sunday's call with David Preston
David is setting his advertising machine in motion very soon!
He is not going to wait until the website is completly finished before he starts telling some of his followers about World Light. He has a list of 67,000 that he is going to send emails out to shortly.
The website is coming along nicely and it won't be that long before it is completly finished. (Hopefully they will change the frontpage so people who know nothing of the program will get an immediate idea when visiting the site). They are still in beta testing, soft launch fase now.
When the website is finished David will start letting the Guru's on the internet start their advertising campaigns, one at a time, it's all set up and David has a friend with a temporary server to make sure the band width won't be crashed. Within a couple of months we can reasonably expect up to more than 1000 joining a day because this will be a very powerfull advertising campaign involving some of the biggest names on the internet.
David's team is creating a lot of marketing tools for those who want to become active in this program, including a movie with your link in it to use. So the page you see now will not be the only page you will have to advertise with.
We will be able to get a marketing platform, including an autoresponder with pre-written emails, some article software that we can send out articles with and
more. It will be a fraction of the normal cost and we can use it for any other business as well.
Everything in David's consultant corner will be available to members of World Light at the fraction of the normal cost, that alone is worth joining! Remember, only one time $59, and the more you earn the more is going to your favourite, even local charity!
Don't know who David Preston is, google him and find out!
Why am I so positive about this program? Because it's not only going to be an online opportunity but an offline opportunity as well. There are millions of people online but so many more offline.
Non Profit Organizations Can Join World Light Funding
Any non-profit organization can actually join this program too if they want to. They could join and earn the commissions as they cycle. And they can name themselves as the chosen charity and receive the 10%. And they could sign up their members and their members could choose them as their charity and get the 10% of their member's commissions. Not only that...but they will also earn the matching bonuses! Can you see how great this is and how much money charities could earn?
World Light Funding has about 6,000 members and that's before launch.
(Expected mid July - Aug. 1st)
People join World Light Funding because it is a one time fee, no monthly fees. You don't have to market or recruit if you don't want to.
It has been estimated that we could see hundreds of thousands of people join World Light Funding before the end of December so if you are thinking about joining, do it now because all these people will come under you in the straight line matrix.
David said "Those of you that have a position now , regardless of whether you will sponsor anyone, will have a very good Christmas this year"
Link to Worldlightfunding
Recorded calls with David Preston june 14th
Link 1
Link 2
David is setting his advertising machine in motion very soon!
He is not going to wait until the website is completly finished before he starts telling some of his followers about World Light. He has a list of 67,000 that he is going to send emails out to shortly.
The website is coming along nicely and it won't be that long before it is completly finished. (Hopefully they will change the frontpage so people who know nothing of the program will get an immediate idea when visiting the site). They are still in beta testing, soft launch fase now.
When the website is finished David will start letting the Guru's on the internet start their advertising campaigns, one at a time, it's all set up and David has a friend with a temporary server to make sure the band width won't be crashed. Within a couple of months we can reasonably expect up to more than 1000 joining a day because this will be a very powerfull advertising campaign involving some of the biggest names on the internet.
David's team is creating a lot of marketing tools for those who want to become active in this program, including a movie with your link in it to use. So the page you see now will not be the only page you will have to advertise with.
We will be able to get a marketing platform, including an autoresponder with pre-written emails, some article software that we can send out articles with and
more. It will be a fraction of the normal cost and we can use it for any other business as well.
Everything in David's consultant corner will be available to members of World Light at the fraction of the normal cost, that alone is worth joining! Remember, only one time $59, and the more you earn the more is going to your favourite, even local charity!
Don't know who David Preston is, google him and find out!
Why am I so positive about this program? Because it's not only going to be an online opportunity but an offline opportunity as well. There are millions of people online but so many more offline.
Non Profit Organizations Can Join World Light Funding
Any non-profit organization can actually join this program too if they want to. They could join and earn the commissions as they cycle. And they can name themselves as the chosen charity and receive the 10%. And they could sign up their members and their members could choose them as their charity and get the 10% of their member's commissions. Not only that...but they will also earn the matching bonuses! Can you see how great this is and how much money charities could earn?
World Light Funding has about 6,000 members and that's before launch.
(Expected mid July - Aug. 1st)
People join World Light Funding because it is a one time fee, no monthly fees. You don't have to market or recruit if you don't want to.
It has been estimated that we could see hundreds of thousands of people join World Light Funding before the end of December so if you are thinking about joining, do it now because all these people will come under you in the straight line matrix.
David said "Those of you that have a position now , regardless of whether you will sponsor anyone, will have a very good Christmas this year"
Link to Worldlightfunding
Recorded calls with David Preston june 14th
Link 1
Link 2
vrijdag 19 juni 2009
Gold Nugget Invest
Not a lot to add to my short summary of the program. What arbitrage sports betting is, is explained on the website and they can do that much better than I can. Arbitrages are also known as surebets or surewins. This is NOT gambling - it's just a market phenomenon based on pure mathematics and occurs when bookmakers have different opinions on the result of a certain game or event.
They have been online since october 2006 and have about 4000 members. If you go for the weekly fixed plan they pay 6% a week.
There are no no risk programs on the internet in my opinion. Completely unforseen circumstances can cause completely unforseen results, but I think this is one of the lowest risk online passive investment opportunities I have come across.
My personal experience. I have joined in januari 2009. I have been making 6% weekly on my investment since then. Compared to my bank account which is 4% a year this is a huge return!
Link To GNI
They have been online since october 2006 and have about 4000 members. If you go for the weekly fixed plan they pay 6% a week.
There are no no risk programs on the internet in my opinion. Completely unforseen circumstances can cause completely unforseen results, but I think this is one of the lowest risk online passive investment opportunities I have come across.
My personal experience. I have joined in januari 2009. I have been making 6% weekly on my investment since then. Compared to my bank account which is 4% a year this is a huge return!
Link To GNI
donderdag 18 juni 2009
Project Lazy Boy
I can't say it better than this so I will just copy the email I received from the admin of this program. This blog is about passive income streams but sometimes it pays big time to become a little active for a short time.
You do not NEED to refer anyone to PLB to make money HOWEVER you probably will WANT TO.
Today I wanted to give everyone a reality check! As I
wanted all of you to know just how much earning potential
ALL OF YOU have right now.
Fact No1 PLB basic membership costs just $20 one time
Fact No2 Every member of PLB will earn over $4000 in income over
time no matter what.
Every member of PLB will earn over $4000 in income over
time no matter what.
Fact No3 Every PLB member will in time become a Pro member which not
only gives you tons more benefits but another income stream
on auto pilot.
This makes PLB a guaranteed income system. Even if you
NEVER EVER refer a single person you will still make over
$4000 for your $20 member's fee.
Now some members have emailed me to ask when they are
going to get their $4000. How long does it take to get
there etc and the truth is it all depends on how active you
are, how active your downline is and how active your upline
If a person joined today and paid their $20 and then sat on
their hands and never promoted or referred or did anything
at all they would still earn $4000 eventually. It could
take 6 months, it could take 5 years - but it will happen.
Even if it took 5 years, if you put $20 in a savings
account would you have $4000 in it 5 years from now?? No
way, you would be lucky to have $50 never mind $4000 - so
being a PLB member is a very very good 'investment' even if
you do nothing at all.
Now here is the reality check.... WHAT IF you were to tell
a few people these facts? What if you did actually refer
people to PLB? After all you are telling them to exchange
$20 for $4000, that is a fantastic rate of exchange by anyone's
What difference would it make to your earnings? Would it
make it better, would it speed things up? YES YES YES YES
YES! and it does it considerably! Here is why....
1. When you refer people to PLB you make money for
yourself, which is great.
2. You also earn money for your sponsor - this will inspire
your sponsor to tell others about PLB, they will want to
tell people they are earning. More people will join PLB
under your sponsor and this creates spillover FOR YOU.
3. If you have referred two or more people to PLB already
your first level is full. This means everyone else
spills over to your downline. This makes them money, and just
like their sponsors above them they will want to tell people
they are making money, which in turn will bring new members
which will make you even more money.
4. Once you have become a Pro member (and you will
eventually) a second income stream will be opened for you
at Sale of the Century. As the people you have referred
become Pro members your income will start to multiply by 3,
4, 5, 10 and more times. The more people you refer to PLB
the more your income will increase, and the faster too!
We estimate that the speed at which you get to your $4000
in PLB increases two fold or more for every person you
refer. Your income increases at a similar if not better
Check this out...
If you and your team referred just five people each you
would earn over $4000 in PLB and over $30000 in SOTC.
If you and your team referred just ten people each you
would earn over $4000 in PLB and over $890000 in SOTC.
and for the really HUGE money....
If you and your team referred just twenty people each you
would earn over $4000 in PLB and over $2600000 in SOTC. Yes
that does say over 26 MILLION DOLLARS!
Think about this, even if it took you and everyone in your
team A YEAR to refer just 5 or 10 or 20 people, in five
years you would have earned between $35000 and $26 million.
Not bad for $20 is it?
So folks as you are thinking about your income today,
thinking about how much you would like to earn and when you
want to earn it, think about what I have talked about today.
If you want to be passive, hey that's fine no problem, you
will get to your $4000 - but realize you do have to wait
for it.
However bear in mind by being active and referring just a
few people to PLB you are increasing your income with PLB
by many many many times. Remember we are not asking you to
'sell' something to people they do not want or need, when
you are recommending PLB you are recommending something
that WILL pay them $4000 and has the potential to pay them
thousands, tens of thousands if not millions over time.
Surely that's not a hard task?
Thanks for your time today.
Link for more information
You do not NEED to refer anyone to PLB to make money HOWEVER you probably will WANT TO.
Today I wanted to give everyone a reality check! As I
wanted all of you to know just how much earning potential
ALL OF YOU have right now.
Fact No1 PLB basic membership costs just $20 one time
Fact No2 Every member of PLB will earn over $4000 in income over
time no matter what.
Every member of PLB will earn over $4000 in income over
time no matter what.
Fact No3 Every PLB member will in time become a Pro member which not
only gives you tons more benefits but another income stream
on auto pilot.
This makes PLB a guaranteed income system. Even if you
NEVER EVER refer a single person you will still make over
$4000 for your $20 member's fee.
Now some members have emailed me to ask when they are
going to get their $4000. How long does it take to get
there etc and the truth is it all depends on how active you
are, how active your downline is and how active your upline
If a person joined today and paid their $20 and then sat on
their hands and never promoted or referred or did anything
at all they would still earn $4000 eventually. It could
take 6 months, it could take 5 years - but it will happen.
Even if it took 5 years, if you put $20 in a savings
account would you have $4000 in it 5 years from now?? No
way, you would be lucky to have $50 never mind $4000 - so
being a PLB member is a very very good 'investment' even if
you do nothing at all.
Now here is the reality check.... WHAT IF you were to tell
a few people these facts? What if you did actually refer
people to PLB? After all you are telling them to exchange
$20 for $4000, that is a fantastic rate of exchange by anyone's
What difference would it make to your earnings? Would it
make it better, would it speed things up? YES YES YES YES
YES! and it does it considerably! Here is why....
1. When you refer people to PLB you make money for
yourself, which is great.
2. You also earn money for your sponsor - this will inspire
your sponsor to tell others about PLB, they will want to
tell people they are earning. More people will join PLB
under your sponsor and this creates spillover FOR YOU.
3. If you have referred two or more people to PLB already
your first level is full. This means everyone else
spills over to your downline. This makes them money, and just
like their sponsors above them they will want to tell people
they are making money, which in turn will bring new members
which will make you even more money.
4. Once you have become a Pro member (and you will
eventually) a second income stream will be opened for you
at Sale of the Century. As the people you have referred
become Pro members your income will start to multiply by 3,
4, 5, 10 and more times. The more people you refer to PLB
the more your income will increase, and the faster too!
We estimate that the speed at which you get to your $4000
in PLB increases two fold or more for every person you
refer. Your income increases at a similar if not better
Check this out...
If you and your team referred just five people each you
would earn over $4000 in PLB and over $30000 in SOTC.
If you and your team referred just ten people each you
would earn over $4000 in PLB and over $890000 in SOTC.
and for the really HUGE money....
If you and your team referred just twenty people each you
would earn over $4000 in PLB and over $2600000 in SOTC. Yes
that does say over 26 MILLION DOLLARS!
Think about this, even if it took you and everyone in your
team A YEAR to refer just 5 or 10 or 20 people, in five
years you would have earned between $35000 and $26 million.
Not bad for $20 is it?
So folks as you are thinking about your income today,
thinking about how much you would like to earn and when you
want to earn it, think about what I have talked about today.
If you want to be passive, hey that's fine no problem, you
will get to your $4000 - but realize you do have to wait
for it.
However bear in mind by being active and referring just a
few people to PLB you are increasing your income with PLB
by many many many times. Remember we are not asking you to
'sell' something to people they do not want or need, when
you are recommending PLB you are recommending something
that WILL pay them $4000 and has the potential to pay them
thousands, tens of thousands if not millions over time.
Surely that's not a hard task?
Thanks for your time today.
Link for more information
woensdag 17 juni 2009
Ad Ventures 4u
Although you have to surf 25 pages a day to get paid I regard this as passive income because you don't have to refer to get paid. Just buy Ventures as they call it for the amount you want and you get paid, since I joined in Januari 2009 it has been a steady 7% a week. They pay every Tuesday and have never missed a payrun. They share the revenue of the site and are setting up a whole new business in gold from which revenue will be shared also.
They are absolutely not a HYIP or an Auto Surf type program. They are a true business that is debt free and always in profit.
You are purchasing "Ventures" for $1 a piece. Each Venture will earn you $2 each before expiring. It works like this:
If you buy 100 ventures for $100 you earn $14 a week. If you take out $14 you will have left 86 ventures earning you money. If you take out only half your earnings, you will have 100 ventures earning you money the next week.
The program is family run, and the owner (Steve Smith) sends out updates almost daily. I feel strong communication from the admin of any program is very important. Steve is easily the best admin I have ever had the pleasure of working with, and I'm sure you will come to see his true passion not only for the program, but for the success of the members.They have grown to over 30.000 members in about 7 months!
For more information go here: Link
They are absolutely not a HYIP or an Auto Surf type program. They are a true business that is debt free and always in profit.
You are purchasing "Ventures" for $1 a piece. Each Venture will earn you $2 each before expiring. It works like this:
If you buy 100 ventures for $100 you earn $14 a week. If you take out $14 you will have left 86 ventures earning you money. If you take out only half your earnings, you will have 100 ventures earning you money the next week.
The program is family run, and the owner (Steve Smith) sends out updates almost daily. I feel strong communication from the admin of any program is very important. Steve is easily the best admin I have ever had the pleasure of working with, and I'm sure you will come to see his true passion not only for the program, but for the success of the members.They have grown to over 30.000 members in about 7 months!
For more information go here: Link
dinsdag 16 juni 2009
The Attitude Club
Although this is a semi passive program, after you have referred 2 people it's passive after that, if you want it too be. And, which makes this really passive, your success is not dependant upon the success of your referrals. That's one of the reasons most people don't make real money in MLM. Even if you can refer a lot of people, if they can't do the same you will still not succeed.
The Attitude club is a forced straightline matrix.Everyone who joins after you will be below you in line. You will need 1 referral before moving into level 3 and one before moving in level 5.
The site will be fully automated by the end of the month and big promotions will start from there on. Till then it's by invitation only because you need the name of your referrer. But a big opportunity to be in this early!
And with a very dedicated admin who is going to do everything to make this a succesful program.
Risk: the program does not grow hard enough and people stop moving through the levels, this can happen to straightline matrixes who don't have a sponsoring requirement. People will lose interest and stop sponsoring altogether.
Because of the 2 referrals rule they have minimized this risk. Everyone will start promoting from the start to get their 2 referrals as soon as possible.
Personal experience: I joined may 26th and I am half way level 2, at the end of level 2 I will be paid $50 and move on to level 3. After level 3 there will be a new entry into level 1 and a move to level 4 so I will have 2 positions after that.
After all levels $54 has turned into $9.425 ! with multiple new positions in the system. It's not a get rich quick program but even if it takes 9 months to go through all the levels it's worth the wait.
With passive programs you need a 4-12 months focus to get the income streams really growing.
To receive more information you can join the email list here.
Link to the site
The Attitude club is a forced straightline matrix.Everyone who joins after you will be below you in line. You will need 1 referral before moving into level 3 and one before moving in level 5.
The site will be fully automated by the end of the month and big promotions will start from there on. Till then it's by invitation only because you need the name of your referrer. But a big opportunity to be in this early!
And with a very dedicated admin who is going to do everything to make this a succesful program.
Risk: the program does not grow hard enough and people stop moving through the levels, this can happen to straightline matrixes who don't have a sponsoring requirement. People will lose interest and stop sponsoring altogether.
Because of the 2 referrals rule they have minimized this risk. Everyone will start promoting from the start to get their 2 referrals as soon as possible.
Personal experience: I joined may 26th and I am half way level 2, at the end of level 2 I will be paid $50 and move on to level 3. After level 3 there will be a new entry into level 1 and a move to level 4 so I will have 2 positions after that.
After all levels $54 has turned into $9.425 ! with multiple new positions in the system. It's not a get rich quick program but even if it takes 9 months to go through all the levels it's worth the wait.
With passive programs you need a 4-12 months focus to get the income streams really growing.
To receive more information you can join the email list here.
Link to the site
maandag 15 juni 2009
Update World Light
(For a list of all income programs scroll down)
Today a short update on worldlight. The questions I have received are mainly about the website. Because of rules and regulations you need to have a product. Worldlight has chosen e-books but that is NOT what this program is about. I have not heard final news about it yet but plans are to move the program offshore.I hope they will drop the books then but I don't know if they plan to do that. Just ignore it for now.
The website you receive a link of is not the usual flashy kind you see all over the net. For online promotion it's hard referring people who know nothing of the program with this website. But after you have joined Worldlight you can contact me and get a link to a replicated website,with all the information of the program and much easier to promote with, if you plan to do that, online. But you can stay totally passive too, that's what this blog is all about, passive income streams.
Hopefully today some news about the call with David Preston, otherwise untill tomorrow.
Link to Worldlight
Today a short update on worldlight. The questions I have received are mainly about the website. Because of rules and regulations you need to have a product. Worldlight has chosen e-books but that is NOT what this program is about. I have not heard final news about it yet but plans are to move the program offshore.I hope they will drop the books then but I don't know if they plan to do that. Just ignore it for now.
The website you receive a link of is not the usual flashy kind you see all over the net. For online promotion it's hard referring people who know nothing of the program with this website. But after you have joined Worldlight you can contact me and get a link to a replicated website,with all the information of the program and much easier to promote with, if you plan to do that, online. But you can stay totally passive too, that's what this blog is all about, passive income streams.
Hopefully today some news about the call with David Preston, otherwise untill tomorrow.
Link to Worldlight
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